Monday, September 13, 2010


this is not exactly what we are looking for, but it was so gorgeous i had to put it up.


  1. It is very beautiful; kind of like the layouts in the Beckett book or something similar in the way of Sophie Calle's collage perhaps?

  2. Yes. Something about things being scanned in...could the 'interviews' also be present in their original form, scanned in as image? Maybe for the German version? Just a thought..

  3. I like the idea, but maybe it would be a bit distracting for readers and for the photos. Most of the "interviews" will be done in person, I think . I like the textual quality of Calle's book, but I am not sure we have the same focus on the materiality of the letter and its response as she does. We might want to strike an elegant compromise. The layout above does that; the text is uniform but lovingly offset by grayed borders.
